Time to get a move on, the AK border crossing closes promptly @ 9pm. Its 7:30pm, and 60 miles to Alaska . We gotta full tank a-gas, half pack a-smokes, its never getting dark out and we’re wearing helmets. HIT IT!
Which means 5 minutes late at the border, therefore… No Entry. We gotta sleep in Canada again. dang, it woulda been nice to make it, especially because the only campground was 60 miles back, near the Yukon River. Since the scumbucket motto is never go back, we find a wide spot alongside the road.
Also, time crunch that we were on to pass that hitchhiker and make the border, we forgot to fill the water bottles up. We only have about a half-liter of water between the two of us for the night. On the Top-of-the-World Hwy , there is no water because the whole road is on a ridge. All our food is the dehydrated variety, except the few packets of Indian food that Mama Z set with!!! Curry, whiskey and a side of mosquitoes it is.